ŠKODA Financial Services financing benefits
Don't want to buy using cash?
Do you want to purchase a high-quality car and do not have enough cash?
Choose authentic financing from ŠKODA Financial Services!
Benefits of ŠKODA Financial Services
- used cars financing is an unrivalled and flexible offer made just for "ŠKODA Plus" used cars
- Volkswagen concern brand product,
- monthly payments (including insurance payments) level guaranteed throughout the financing process
- you will profit from very favourable monthly instalment rates of your insurance plus from the price of damage liability guaranteed throughout the financing process,
- payment obligations insurance provision
- free ŠKODA Financial Services Assistant services
- as low as 10% of the car prices as the first instalment in advance (0% for our existing customers),
- lease and credit payments are tax deductible expenses,
- due to the variable net book car value and time of your financing, you can determine the amount of your monthly payments
- leasing and the credit agreement may be concluded in a few minutes at the first meeting with your merchant.